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Shikeli | Sun-Dried Bananas

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By Leena Hegde, Puttanamane

Shikeli is a rich, fruity, crispy and chewy slice of banana that is naturally sun dried and stored. They are very easy to make, crispy when you touch them, and chewy when you bite one. This is a simple recipe that is full of concentrated banana flavor and perfect for snacking.


When we harvest more bananas and there is no way we can eat that many fresh bananas before they go bad, sun drying bananas and storing for later use makes more sense. It is a great way to extend the shelf life of bananas and prevent waste. Shikeli is a great way to preserve them and another delicious way to enjoy this fruit.

Prep time
5 days
Cook time
Cool off time
Total time
5 days
Vegan, Vegetarian
Difficulty level
200 g


  • 1 kg ripe banana (Any variety)

Cookware / Utensils

  • Plate(s)

  • Cheesecloth



  • Take 1 kg ripe banana and wash them thoroughly.
  • Peel the bananas.
  • Thinly slice the bananas to 1/6 to 1/4 inch thick rounds.
  • Arrange them in a single layer on a plate(s) or a tray.
  • Place the plate(s) in a sunny spot.
  • Cover the plate(s) with cheesecloth to protect the bananas from birds, insects, and dust.
  • At the end of day 1. Make sure to take the bananas indoor in the evening.
  • Next morning, turn the banana slices and keep it in a sunny spot covering the plate(s) with cheesecloth.
  • At the end of day 2.
  • Keep the bananas in sunlight to dry until they are crispy.
  • At the end of day 5, the bananas are dry and crispy.
  • Store the dried bananas in an airtight container and use as required.

Step by step guide

How to make Shikeli

1. Take 1 kg ripe banana and wash them thoroughly.

2. Peel the bananas.

3. Thinly slice the bananas to 1/6 to 1/4 inch thick rounds.

4. Arrange them in a single layer on a plate(s) or a tray.

5. Place the plate(s) in a sunny spot.

6. Cover the plate(s) with cheesecloth to protect the bananas from birds, insects, and dust.

7. At the end of day 1. Make sure to take the bananas indoor in the evening.

8. Next morning, turn the banana slices and keep it in a sunny spot covering the plate(s) with cheesecloth.

9. At the end of day 2.

Keep the bananas in sunlight to dry until they are crispy.

10. At the end of day 5, the bananas are dry and crispy.

11. Store the dried bananas in an airtight container and use as required.


  • You can sprinkle black pepper powder on banana slices before drying if desired.

  • Optionally you can also dip the banana slices into lemon juice, before drying, to reduce browning to certain extent.
  • Make sure bananas are not overripe and mushy. You should be able to slice the bananas properly.
  • Drying time: Drying time depends on time length in a day you keep it in sunlight, temperature, humidity, and thickness of the slices. I made this during hot summer days and it took 5 days to dry bananas. It may take less or more than 5 days, but make sure there is no moisture left in the dried bananas. Turn the bananas every day or on alternative day before keeping in sunlight.
  • Storage: Crisp, dried bananas keep for about 2 months at room temperature when stored in an airtight clean and dry container in a cool and dry place. However, the shelf life depends on room and climate temperature condition. It may get spoiled soon in too hot or too humid weather. It may get spoiled earlier than the said period if you have stored in a wet container, or if you have kept the container lid open for a long time, or if you have used wet or unclean spoon or hand to take out the bananas. It may also get spoiled shortly if you have not dried the bananas properly.